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This episode is part two of "My Date." Elios asks Emma to go on a trip with him. Emma confesses she already scheduled a school trip with Sophie on the same day.


Ep38 01

Nura recommends using the school trip to reconcile.

Emma cheerfully accepts his invitation to go on a trip for his birthday, imagining she and Elios walking on a beach. She happily checks her calendar only to realize she previously made plans with Sophie to on a school field trip the same day. Elios expresses confusion, unaware that Emma and Sophie made up. Emma explains how Nura pushed Sophie to tell her side of the story. Sophie confessed that during the video incident, she had been inconsiderate in questioning Emma when she had known how difficult Emma's situation had been. After Nura had filled her in, Sophie understood why Emma was reluctant to share the details of her conversation with Yohan. Emma asked what they were referring to, but Nura and Sophie assured her they were in completely sympathy with her actions. Confused but appeased, Emma gratefully accepted Sophie's apology and agreed to go on the school trip together as planned.

Ep38 02

Foreshadowing of the school trip

As Elios ruminates over this revelation, Emma tenses up, suddenly understanding how difficult it is to choose between friends and a boyfriend. Quietly, Elios asks if she can ditch the school trip. Emma notices Elios covering his mouth, a sign of discomfort, and stammers that she cannot break a promise to a friend. She touches his hand, apologizing for the inconvenience and promising to see him the day after his birthday. Sighing, Elios agrees and assures her that he does not blame her. Emma promises to call on him on his birthday to compensate. Elios warns her to be careful. As Emma stares at him in confusion, he explains that anything can happen on the trip.

As the weeks pass, Elios's birthday approaches. What Emma does not realize is that everyone already put their own plans into action for the school trip, where things take a turn for the worse.


Characters are listed in order of appearance. Character first appearances are bolded.


  • This is the last episode of Season 1


List of Episodes
Season 1 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839
Season 2 404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869
Season 3 Final Season Trailer7071